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Research Interests

SCSC funds research projects that address the need to control salinity in our water resorces and to reduce salinity in drinking water, wastewater, and recycled water. Research topics include:

  • Salinity source control

  • Concentrate management

  • Innovative treatment technologies

  • Salinity management planning

  • Public outreach

  • Salinity regulatory policy development

  • Salinity policy conflicts.

If you are interested in submitting a research project proposal for funding, please contact:

Tianna Manzon

National Water Research Institute/SCSC

SCSC Research Leads to
Quantitative Results

The IEUA water softener study resulted in the removal of 894 devices (84.2% of installed water softeners), which decreased the salt loads on the wastewater treatment plant by 161 tons per year.


The TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) Trends Study quantified the salinity increases in treatment plants and attributed most of the increases to drought and the unintended consequence of mandated water conservation measures. This study provided the scientific demonstration that is enabling the Santa Ana Water Board to change their compliance methodology as part of a Basin Plan Amendment that is saving millions of dollars on wastewater treatment plant retrofitting or new salt removal projects.

SCSC Value Proposition

Conduct leading-edge pure and applied research to mitigate problems associated with increased salinity in natural and built environments. SCSC member agencies benefit greatly from collaboration with each other, with university researchers, and with industry solution providers. Research projects and active participation in the coalition provides quantifiable returns on investment an d advances the state-of-the-science and engineering in salt management and control.

© 2022 Southern California Salinity Coalition

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